42 days in Wuhan
Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 32 (3-4-2009) - Industrial Visit

We didn’t really have a good start to today. Out of 23 students, only 11 of us were able to make it to the early morning lesson on the Chinese Political System. I found this kind of annoying since we come here to learn more about China, yet some of us don’t seem enthusiastic at all when it comes to these lessons. How can a person ever be more enthusiastic about Math lessons than anything else??

Luckily the young teacher understood the fact that we had a late night and all of us were very tired.

I think the industrial visit today was okay. Seeing how 3D images, CGI and animated films are made was kind of interesting. I just don’t think that the industrial visit nailed us since animation isn't really our ideal cup of tea. I think that we should have also visited an industry more related to our course. What’s more, the visit was so short and I barely learned anything. But I appreciate them allowing is to step into their offices and work areas just to have a preview of how animated films come to life.

posted at 11:54 PM by Aziz

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 31 (2-4-2009) - Cultural Exchange Night

Tonight proved to be another memorable night. For all the last minute preparation that we had, I did not expect our performances to be so successful for the Cultural Exchange Night.

But still, we did not have a good start. I, who was supposed to sing certain verses of the Take Me To Your Heart song on my own, had to deal with a faulty microphone. So at that point of time, I was a little bit stunned and clueless as to what I should do. In the end both Fareez and I had to share the same mic to sing the song. I appreciate the audience for waving along to my singing as it certainly made me feel comfortable, considering what I was experiencing. (Also considering just now was the first ever time I sang in front of an audience).

I would like to thank everybody else who performed a song after that, and made me look like an idiot because their mics worked on all occasions, and they all sang better than me. Just kidding.

The real deal was the skit that we performed. I don’t really favour performing for skits as I feel that they need a lot of time to perfect and we only had one night. Surprisingly, our acting was acceptable, and our jokes were on target. I got the feeling that the Chinese locals half of the audience enjoyed learning more about Singapore lifestyle through the skit, and the Ngee Ann Poly Chinese Studies students, well they just enjoyed laughing at the funny ways we all live.

There is no doubt I enjoyed myself tonight, adding on to the fact that I also met certain new people. As for now, I’m headed for bed since its going to be a long and tiring day tomorrow.

posted at 11:35 PM by Aziz

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 30 (1-4-2009) - VISA

Today I received a call saying that my Visa application which was previously accepted is now overturned due to a fault in filling up my name. I must now stay in China for an indefinite amount of time until the Visa thing is settled.

Nah just kidding. Happy April Fool’s day!

It’s such a shame that on this year’s April Fool’s day, WE have to go through our Common Test. So the days leading up to this day was spent on revision so nobody really had the time to plan any pranks. HOWEVER, Amanda and Agnes did pull off a prank on Fareez and I must say, I am impressed with how real the acting was. I NEVER could have seen it coming. I just feel lucky I was not pranked. But I think EVERYONE was fooled by the act the girls put up. Great job!

Everyone is occupied with preparation for tomorrow’s student exchange programme. We will have to give 2 performances which is decided to be a skit, and a song. I hate last minute preparation. We only have today and tomorrow to practice so I’m not quite sure how things will turn out but as usual, we hope for the best. I’ll definitely put more effort in this than what I did for Common Test though.

Hope tomorrow turns out to be yet another night to remember!

posted at 8:58 PM by Aziz

Day 29 (31-3-2009) - Pre Common Test

Much of today was spent on preparing myself for tomorrow’s Common Test. To say the truth, it doesn’t feel as if I’m facing a Common test paper tomorrow. Usually you’d feel nervous and tense that you’re going to fight for that 20% for 1 and a half hours. But right now, everyone is relaxed but nevertheless still rather worried about how it’s going to be.

We only get to practice with one past year paper; definitely not enough. What’s more these past 4 weeks have passed by so fast that I just can’t believe we have finished covering that much of the EM3A module. Whatever it is, I’m definitely going to be one of those who are going to struggle during tomorrow’s paper. Then again, it might only be me. I admire the rest of us here who do their work diligently, grasping the integration topics so fast (and leaving me behind). Just kidding.

I’ll do my best, as I would always do, even though my preparation is never a “best effort”.

posted at 9:46 AM by Aziz

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 28 (30-3-2009) - 2nd Last Week

Enter the 2nd last week of OIP. Pretty much the normal routine today. Event most worthy of mention would probably be the dinner we had at Sichuan Restaurant. The food there is always nice and all, it’s just that it’s a little bit pricy for a person like me, trying my best to save money for all the last minute shopping.

posted at 8:43 AM by Aziz

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 27 (29-3-2009) - A change of seasons

It’s not as if today was THE day that winter suddenly changed to spring, but the atmosphere around campus today was definitely different, and that of a new season.

The past few days have been cold, windy and rainy. Today it is still slightly windy but the sun is out and there are lots more people walking around.

I also say that there’s a spring feeling because the flowers are blooming. There are even flower exhibitions around campus. Like I said, it is as if, the seasons suddenly changed overnight.

The surprising thing is that the locals are just as amused as us, when it comes to checking out the newly bloomed flowers at the gardens and parks. I managed to find the time this evening to take photos of the flowers. It’s nothing much, because only a few have started blooming, but it’s still something worth a look

posted at 9:06 AM by Aziz

Day 25 (27-3-2009) - Caligraphy and Shutter

We started the day today with a short Chinese calligraphy. I bet the Chinese characters written on the black board today confused both Chinese and non-Chinese alike. Ancient Chinese characters don’t bear too much of a resemblance to their modern counterparts.

If writing Chinese characters is hard enough, then painting it is worst. Try being a Malay doing it too.

Quiz 3 today was supposed to be an easy one but somehow, everyone had different ideas on how to do some questions so we don’t really know how well we would do. But I feel that I along with everyone else will pass.

Remember the group of Chinese Studies girls that I met on Day 12, they called us and asked whether they could interview us, regarding the topic on Malay food. Being in China, I guess they could go nowhere but to us to find their answers. Truthfully speaking, I really do not know much about Malay food and dining customs but I think that we gave them good and fulfilling answers for their research.

After having dinner at a local fast food restaurant, we went back to the girls’ dorm to watch the movie, “Shutter”. Never before had I imagined myself having to or wanting to watch such a horror movie. But apparently, scaring myself seemed like a better idea than just slacking alone without anything to do.

I think I enjoyed it. I get the same feeling whenever I watch any horror movie. Watching it is enjoyable and exciting but I hate what happens after that. I’ll start imagining things and be afraid of doing the simplest tasks, such as looking at the mirror. I guess that’s just something I have to deal with sooner or later.

posted at 9:05 AM by Aziz

Day 26 (28-3-2009) - Backstreet Boys

Sometimes, having lots of fun inevitably means the spending of a lot of money, because that’s what happened today. Being the “money-saver” that I am, I always kind of regret spending lots of money all in a short span of time, but I guess today was fun enough to justify itself.

I had this stomach-filling lunch that cost me 15 yuan, then went to play 7 bucks worth of pool, then walked around and finally went to a KTV, for the first time in my life. I would say that it was one heck of a time I had in there, even though the English songs were limited to those of Westlife, NSync, Backstreet Boys and others. So other than singing nostalgic boyband songs, the girls also sang Chinese songs.

So today was kind of like a having-fun-through-using-up-your –money day. I was enjoying so much that I actually missed the “Earth Hour” event that I had been anticipating all week. At 8.30pm we were supposed to turn off our lights in respect of Earth and its ailing state. Truth is, even though we were not really participating and observing the Earth Hour, we DID turn our lights off, simply because we weren’t even at our rooms. So I’m satisfied enough.

posted at 9:05 AM by Aziz

Day 24 (26-3-2009) - Laplace Transformations

There was nothing much today except for the normal routine. Laplace transformation is really very difficult. Either that or I was just not listening.

On an unrelated note, the weather has taken a turn for the worst ever since we came back from our cruise. Before the cruise, I was able to wear just one layer of clothing and still feel hot. But now, the temperature is back to how it was in the early days. Worst still, it’s raining, making it inconvenient to walk around campus.

The weather has to get better before any of us can continue having more fun.

posted at 9:02 AM by Aziz